A survey for single hospital systems and other covered entities.
Tons of research has been done in the healthcare industry. Some research has been done on HIPAA. But virtually no research has been done on how healthcare organizations are specifically tackling the challenge of the HIPAA Security Rule.By taking this survey, you’re about to change that.
Our security team put together an online survey with subjects concerning top HIPAA security technologies and processes. With questions about network security, Wi-Fi encryption, firewall configuration, and software updates, the survey will touch on many different, but important patient health data protections.
We’re anticipating survey results to reveal the security strengths and weaknesses in healthcare, and provide a security benchmark for healthcare entities to use in their own compliance strategies.
But before we publish a report, we first need healthcare workforce members to take the survey! Will you? Please?
As an added bonus, if you take the survey, you’ll be entered in a drawing to receive a DJI Quadcopter! Because who doesn’t want a super sweet drone to fly around the office?
The SecurityMetrics Team
Have questions about getting HIPAA compliant? Learn more about Guided HIPAA Compliance or HIPAA Compliance Auditing.